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About the revised civics and citizenship course

This is a compulsory Grade 10 half-credit course that students must complete to graduate from high school. This course will be taught in classrooms starting September 2022. 

The civics and citizenship course is designed to help students learn what it means to be a responsible, informed and active citizen, both within the classroom and in the communities they belong to outside of school. Students explore digital literacy and the role of social media in civic engagement and politics. They learn about key functions of government, like budgets and legislation, as well as the historical roots of the rights and freedoms we enjoy in Canada. The learning is rounded out by students making connections to other transferable skills such as communication, collaboration, critical thinking and problem-solving – the skills and attributes critical for students to thrive in the modern world.

The course is organized into three broad areas of learning:

  • Political inquiry and skill development
  • Civic awareness
  • Civic engagement, service, and action
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What students will learn

Political inquiry and skill development

Students will:

  • learn to analyse issues, events and developments of civic importance by asking focused questions, gathering information, evaluating the information, drawing conclusions and communicating their results
  • practise using transferable skills, including using digital literacy and critical thinking to gather information and evaluate credibility and biases in both social media and traditional media.

Civic awareness

Students will:

  • explore how people’s values and beliefs influence both their civic actions and their positions on local, national and/or global issues
  • learn about how groups outside Canada can influence civic issues like elections and democratic values within the country
  • learn about the different types of governments in Canada, such as municipal, provincial and federal governments, as well as how legislation becomes law and how governments develop budgets
  • learn about Indigenous governing systems and structures, treaties and Crown-Indigenous relations
  • explore the rights and responsibilities of active citizens in a democratic society, including learning about foundational historical documents.

Civic engagement, service, and action

Students will:

  • explore how people in different communities in Canada express their beliefs and values, share their thoughts on issues of civic importance and contribute to the common good
  • analyse the importance of pride in country and commemorating important events and people in Canadian history
  • research and suggest how to create positive change around a civic issue they are interested in
  • identify opportunities to volunteer in their communities where they can develop a sense of service and leadership skills.
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Supporting your child’s learning

Parents and family, you can have a huge influence on your child’s educational success and future career choices. By showing an interest in what your child is learning and helping them make a connection to everyday events at home, in the community and beyond, you can make an important contribution to their success. Here are some ideas for how to support your child’s learning and help them understand the role of civics and citizenship in everyday life and in their future:

  • Discuss current events, issues and developments happening both in your community and globally, supporting healthy, respectful discussion.
  • Encourage your child to follow issues, events and developments of civic importance on various media platforms or explore platforms together and guide your child on how to assess credibility of sources.  
  • Show appreciation for the multiple communities to which your child and your family belong—for example, cultural, religious, linguistic or national communities.
  • Encourage your child to volunteer at school or in the community to support their development as a responsible and engaged citizen.
  • Help your child make connections between what they learn in school, their interests and the courses they choose to take.
  • Discuss with your child the importance of recognizing important people and events in the past, and how they can inspire positive action today.
  • Connect with your child’s teacher, guidance counsellor or other school staff, who can provide information about skills and experiences that will support your child’s learning, future aspirations and course choices.
  • Stay informed about your child’s learning. If you have questions, contact your child’s teacher or school.