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About the computer studies course

The Digital Technology and Innovations in the Changing World course (ICD2O), 2023, replaces the previous Introduction to Computer Studies (ICS2O) course from 2008. It is designed to provide students with opportunities to appreciate, explore and discover the power of digital technology and computer programming. Students live in a world where digital technologies inform us, connect us, entertain us and protect us. These technologies have become powerful aspects in our lives. As such, it is important for students to appreciate their potential benefits and also to think critically about their drawbacks, such as excessive or problematic use.  

Students will examine important social, cultural, economic, environmental and ethical issues related to digital technology and computer programming.

This is an optional Grade 10 full-credit course that students may earn to graduate from high school and will fulfill the Group 3 compulsory credit requirement for the Ontario Secondary School Diploma. This course will be taught in classrooms starting September 2023. 

This course is organized into three broad areas of learning:

  • Computational thinking and making connections
  • Hardware, software, and innovations
  • Programming
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What students will learn

Computational thinking and making connections

Students will:

  • develop and apply the skills required to plan and design computer programs
  • analyze important issues related to the design and use of digital technologies
  • research contributions to innovations in digital technologies made by members of diverse local, Canadian and global communities
  • identify connections between digital technologies and different industries and occupations

Hardware, software, and innovations

Students will:

  • describe the functions and features of hardware, software and connected devices
  • use hardware and software in a variety of ways and make recommendations for devices and programs to others
  • develop knowledge of safe and effective data and cybersecurity practices
  • investigate the benefits and limitations of automation, artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies


Students will:

  • explain fundamental programming concepts and algorithms
  • learn programming skills and apply them to build and create interactive programs based on their interests
  • analyze existing programs to understand their design and purpose
  • write and rewrite parts of a program to complete different tasks
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Supporting your child’s learning

Parents and family can have a huge influence on a child’s educational success and future career choices. By showing an interest in what your child is learning and helping them make connections to everyday events at home, in the community and beyond, you can make an important contribution to their success. Here are some ideas for how to support your child’s learning in this course:

  • Encourage your child to share what they are learning in class, including the benefits and limitations of the technologies they are exploring.
  • Challenge your child to use what they are learning in practical application. For example, they can apply their programming skills to develop a simple software application that will benefit their family or community.
  • Encourage your child to review their own use of social media applications considering how they can apply safe and effective data privacy and cybersecurity practices. Ask for their help to review your applications as well.
  • Discuss current events, issues and developments involving emerging technologies, such as cybersecurity and artificial intelligence.
  • Explore industries that use digital technologies. Talk about how you use digital technologies in your industry and discuss the benefits and limitations from your perspective.
  • Stay informed about your child’s learning. If you have questions, contact your child’s teacher or school.
  • To learn more, connect with your child’s teacher, guidance counsellor or other school staff, who can provide information that will help support your child’s learning, future aspirations and course choices.
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