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Course opener

Topic What’s new in 2023? 
Course introduction New context specific to the ICD2O course: 
  • The Power of Digital Technology and Computer Programming 
  • The Importance of Computer Studies in STEM Education 
  • Computational Thinking
  • Instructional Approaches for Computer Science
Vision and goals  Addition: 
  • The vision for this course is for students to develop the knowledge and skills related to digital technology and computer programming that will support them in contributing to and leading the global economic, scientific, and societal innovations of tomorrow 

Revised goals enabling students to:  

  • Gain perspectives and insights related to social, cultural, economic, environmental, and ethical issues that will support them in making responsible choices with respect to digital technologies 
  • Gain an understanding of how digital technologies work, including how they are designed, implemented and used in society 
  • Learn about emerging technologies, including automation, artificial intelligence (AI), and cybersecurity 
  • Develop the foundational programming skills required to read, understand and write programs
Cross-curricular and integrated learning Students will use computational thinking concepts and practices in making connections to other disciplines, industries and careers, including those that involve skilled trades. 

Connects the previous coding experiences of students to further explore computer science topics. New learning opportunities to critically assess digital technologies and make connections to skilled trades and financial literacy. 

Assessment and evaluation Achievement Chart revised to reflect new course components of computational thinking, critical assessment of emerging technologies, and developing computational artifacts while considering various perspectives.  
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NEW Strand A: Computational Thinking and Making Connections

The learning related to Strand A takes place in the context of learning related to Strand B: Hardware, Software, and Innovations, and Strand C: Programming.

Topic What’s new in 2023? 
Computational thinking   As students plan and design their programs, they will use computational thinking concepts including: 
  • Decomposition 
  • Pattern recognition 
  • Abstraction 
  • Algorithms

Students will develop programs using inclusive design considerations. 

See A1 and C2

Impact of digital technology on society Students will have opportunities to explore the impact of digital technologies, including safety and accessibility issues involving applications and hardware devices, in addition to learning about the impact of computing on society, environmental sustainability and ethics

See A2, B1, B3 and B4

Artificial intelligence (AI)  Students will explore how artificial intelligence (AI) can provide benefits to society. They will also explore ethical use and identify ways to address how AI potentially reinforces bias. 

See A2 and B4

Applications of digital technology and programming within various industries and careers, including those that involve skilled trades  Students will conduct investigations that build on their previous coding experiences.  

Students will examine the impacts of hardware and software innovations and have additional opportunities to explore applications and connections across disciplines and a variety of careers and industries, including skilled trades.

See A3

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Strand B: Hardware, Software, and Innovations

Topic What’s new in 2023? 
Understanding hardware and software  Students will explore a broad spectrum of hardware and software beyond traditional computers.  

Students will assess the hardware and software requirements for various users, contexts and purposes in order to make recommendations for devices and programs.  

See B1 and B2

Cybersecurity and data  Students will apply effective data practices and develop essential cybersecurity skills including considerations for managing and protecting data privacy. 

References to preventative computer operating system maintenance removed as modern operating systems have reduced the need for this manual maintenance task.

See B3 and A2 

Innovations in digital technology  Expansion of learning beyond traditional home computer networks.

Students will investigate how devices and applications are connected, including assessing the benefits and limitations of increased connectivity in everyday life.

Added learning to investigate artificial intelligence, automation and other emerging computer technologies and assess their benefits and limitations.  

See B4 and A2

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Strand C: Programming

Topic What’s new in 2023? 
Programming concepts and algorithms  Added learning to describe simple algorithms that are encountered in everyday situations.  

Course content reflects important concepts used across programming languages.  

See C1

Writing programs  Students will further develop their previous coding knowledge and skills and use computational thinking concepts and practices to create interactive programs aligned with their interests. 

Added learning to explore how to use and generate data from various sources.

Students will practice debugging programs and problem resolution. 

See C2 and A1

Modularity and modification  Students will learn how to read and communicate their understanding of existing programs. 

See C3 and A1

Students will focus on the design, creation, and use of subprograms. They will also explore how to create and extend programs using programming language libraries. 

Students will explain the components of a project they have developed with others, including how they might be reused. 

Learning on the use of test cases to validate computer programs has been removed and is intended to be included in future senior level computer studies courses.


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