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Strand A. Heritage and Identity: Communities in Canada, Past and Present

Topic What’s new in 2023? 
Experiences and contributions of Jewish communities and the impact of antisemitism on these communities Learning about settler and newcomer groups in Canada has been expanded to explicitly include experiences and contributions of Jewish communities.

Students learn to identify some of the impacts of antisemitism on these communities’ development and/or identities.

See A3.7


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Strand B. People and Environments: Canada’s Interactions with the Global Community

Topic What’s new in 2023? 
Canadian government response to the Holocaust, acts of hate and human rights violations Learning on the responses of the Canadian government to human rights violations during the Holocaust.

Learning on the impact that global changes in understanding and legislation around human rights since World War II have had on the development of Canada’s responses to acts of hate and human rights violations.

See B3.5


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