You are now viewing the Curriculum and Resources content that applies to English-language education in Ontario.

Financial literacy modules for students

Financial literacy modules for students

Made specifically for Ontario secondary students, these self-guided learning modules aim to strengthen your financial literacy in an interactive and engaging format.

Applicable grade(s):
  • item 1 of 4Grade 9
  • item 2 of 4Grade 10
  • item 3 of 4Grade 11
  • item 4 of 4Grade 12
Earning, spending, and budgeting

This module will help you design a budget that works for you and your financial goals by having you honestly evaluate the money coming in and the money going out.

Text-only version is available here.

Bank accounts and credit cards

In this module, you will understand the benefits and drawbacks of bank accounts and credit cards to help you use them well and make good financial decisions.

Text-only version is available here.

Borrowing and investing

In this module, you will explore loans, credit, and investment options to help you make financial decisions and manage your money wisely.

Text-only version is available here.

Topic: Parent and student resources, Financial literacy
Audience: Students
Developed By: the Ontario Ministry of Education
Year: 2023
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