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Strand B: Biology

SNC1W (2022) SNC1D (2008) SNC1P (2008) New Key Learning
Strand B: Biology

Sustainable Ecosystems and Climate Change

Strand B: Biology

Sustainable Ecosystems

Strand B: Biology

Sustainable Ecosystems and Human Activity

The learning expectations in the Biology strand are to be paired with the learning and skills in Strand A.
Relating Science to Our Changing World  Relating Science to Technology, Society, and the Environment Relating Science to Technology, Society, and the Environment  
B1. assess impacts of climate change on ecosystem sustainability and on various communities, and describe ways to mitigate these impacts B1. assess the impact of human activities on the sustainability of terrestrial and/or aquatic ecosystems, and evaluate the effectiveness of courses of action intended to remedy or mitigate negative impacts B1. analyse the impact of human activity on terrestrial or aquatic ecosystems, and assess the effectiveness of selected initiatives related to environmental sustainability  
B1.1 assess impacts of climate change on the sustainability of local and global ecosystems, describe local and global initiatives for combatting climate change, and identify solutions to address some of the impacts B1.1 assess, on the basis of research, the impact of a factor related to human activity that threatens the sustainability of a terrestrial or aquatic ecosystem B1.1 analyse, on the basis of research, how a human activity threatens the sustainability of a terrestrial or aquatic ecosystem Students will learn about climate change, its impacts on local and global ecosystems, and initiatives for combatting climate change. 
Incorporated into B1.2 B1.2 evaluate the effectiveness of government initiatives in Canada (federal, provincial, municipal), and/or the efforts of societal groups or non-governmental organizations, such as Aboriginal communities, environmental groups, or student organizations, with respect to an environmental issue that affects the sustainability of terrestrial or aquatic ecosystems B1.2 assess the effectiveness of a local initiative of personal interest that seeks to ensure the sustainability of a terrestrial or aquatic ecosystem, and explain why the initiative is important to the sustainability of the ecosystem  
B1.2 assess impacts of climate change on communities in Canada, including First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities      Students will have an opportunity to investigate the ways in which communities in Canada, including First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities, are impacted by climate change. 
B1.3 investigate and explain how sustainable practices used by various communities, including First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities, reflect an understanding of the importance of the dynamic equilibrium of ecosystems  


Students will connect their understanding of the importance of maintaining a dynamic equilibrium to the sustainable practices developed and used by various communities, including by First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities.  
  Developing Skills of Investigation and Communication Developing Skills of Investigation and Communication  
Incorporated into B2 and Strand A B2. investigate factors related to human activity that affect terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, and explain how they affect the sustainability of these ecosystems B2. investigate some factors related to human activity that affect terrestrial or aquatic ecosystems, and describe the consequences that these factors have for the sustainability of these ecosystems  
Investigating and Understanding Concepts Understanding Basic Concepts  Understanding Basic Concepts   
B2. demonstrate an understanding of the dynamic and interconnected nature of ecosystems, including how matter cycles and energy flows through ecosystems B3. demonstrate an understanding of the dynamic nature of ecosystems, particularly in terms of ecological balance and the impact of human activity on the sustainability of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems B2. demonstrate an understanding of characteristics of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, the interdependence within and between ecosystems, and the impact humans have on the sustainability of these ecosystems  
Moved to Grade 7 B2.2 B3.1 compare and contrast biotic and abiotic characteristics of sustainable and unsustainable terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems  B3.1 identify similarities and differences between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, and describe these similarities and differences using diagrams  
Moved to Grade 7 B2.1     B3.2 describe the interdependence of the components within a terrestrial and an aquatic ecosystem, and explain how the components of both systems work together to ensure the sustainability of a larger ecosystem  
B2.1 investigate interactions between the biosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and atmosphere, and explain why these relationships are important for ecosystem sustainability B3.4 identify the earth's four spheres (biosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, atmosphere), and describe the relationship that must exist between these spheres if diversity and sustainability are to be maintained     
B2.2 explain how naturally occurring phenomena, including the cycling of matter and the flow of energy, contribute to the dynamic equilibrium within and between ecosystems     Students will further develop their understanding of processes that contribute to maintaining a dynamic equilibrium in ecosystems, including how matter cycles and how energy flows through ecosystems.
B2.3 compare and contrast the processes of cellular respiration and photosynthesis, and explain how their complementary relationship contributes to the dynamic equilibrium of ecosystems B3.2 describe the complementary processes of cellular respiration and photosynthesis with respect to the flow of energy and the cycling of matter within ecosystems and explain how human activities can disrupt the balance achieved by these processes  B3.3 describe the complementary processes of cellular respiration and photosynthesis with respect to the flow of energy and the cycling of matter within ecosystems, and explain how human activities can disrupt the balance achieved by these processes  
Moved to Grade 7 B2.7 B3.3 describe the limiting factors of ecosystems, and explain how these factors affect the carrying capacity of an ecosystem B3.4 identify the major limiting factors of ecosystems, and explain how these factors are related to the carrying capacity of an ecosystem  
B2.4 investigate factors and processes, including biodiversity, air and water quality, soil health, and succession, and explain how they contribute to ecosystem sustainability  B2.3 plan and conduct an investigation, involving both inquiry and research, into how a human activity affects soil composition or soil fertility B2.2 investigate the characteristics and interactions of biotic and abiotic components of a terrestrial or aquatic ecosystem, and describe the importance of these components in a sustainable ecosystem Building on food literacy learning in elementary science and technology, students will have an opportunity to learn about the many factors that contribute to ecosystem sustainability, including soil health, air and water quality, biodiversity, and succession. 
B2.5 explain the effects of various human activities on the dynamic equilibrium of ecosystems B3.5 identify various factors related to human activity that have an impact on ecosystems, and explain how these factors affect the equilibrium and survival of ecosystems B3.5 identify some factors related to human activity that have an impact on ecosystems, and explain how these factors affect the equilibrium and survival of populations in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems  
B2.6 identify and use various indicators of climate change to describe the impacts of climate change on local and global ecosystems, and analyse how human activities contribute to climate change     Building on climate change learning in elementary science and technology, students will be learning about climate change indicators, how climate change affects ecosystems, and how human activities contribute to climate change. 
B2.7 explain how sustainable practices related to the cycling of matter and the flow of energy can be applied in agricultural innovations     Students will connect to learning sustainable practices used by various communities from B1.3 and investigate how these practices can be applied in agricultural innovations.
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