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What is a long-range plan and why is it important?

The vision of the elementary science and technology curriculum is for students to acquire and develop the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in today’s rapidly changing world. As discoveries and innovations in STEM increasingly impact our lives, science and technology continues to adapt and evolve. A central component of this curriculum is safe, practical, hands-on, experiential learning that will support students in becoming successful and discerning individuals who are scientifically and technologically literate.

A long-range plan outlines and organizes curriculum expectations. It is a living document that is revised as educators become increasingly aware of the abilities, strengths, needs, and interests of students.

A thoughtfully developed long-range plan:

  • ensures that instruction is sequenced in a manner that aligns with research about learning science and technology;
  • allocates the appropriate time for concepts and skills so that students have multiple opportunities to focus on the overall expectations within the grades;
  • connects concepts and skills to other strands within the curriculum, to other subject areas, and to the lives of students;
  • ensures that all specific expectations are addressed at least once within the school year; and
  • recognizes that some expectations need to be revisited several times throughout the year.


  • These sample long-range plans outline possible sequences of instruction for the school year. There are many ways to structure an effective plan for learning.
  • These sample plans include clusters of learning that have areas of focus from science and technology, as well as examples of cross-curricular connections that can be made to some expectations in other subject areas.

Reflective questions for consideration

Consider the following questions when developing, implementing, and reflecting on long-range plans.

How can my plans:

  • incorporate student voice, choice, and lived experiences to support engagement and understanding?
  • honour and value varied realities of students and communities through using diverse resources, examples, and pedagogical approaches?
  • incorporate tasks that are respectful and reflective of high expectations for all students?
  • support the multiple ways assessment information should be collected (e.g., conversations, observations, and products)?
  • support students in making connections between the curriculum expectations and real-life experiences including developments, research, and innovation in STEM fields?
  • support students in exploring pathways and connections associated with various STEM-related careers?
  • provide hands-on learning experiences enabling students to deepen their understanding of the science and technology they are learning and improve their STEM skills?
  • support academic success by providing students with a range of opportunities to demonstrate their understanding of science and technology concepts and apply STEM skills as evidence of learning?
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